Feeding Therapy specially for children who are picky eaters at Symbiosis Pediatric Therapy uses an intervention program (The SOS Approach) to Feeding. The program uses the typical developmental steps of feeding. It creates a systematic hierarchy of skills and/or behaviors necessary for children to progress with eating a variety of tastes and textures and achieving appropriate growth.
The SOS Approach to Feeding is the primary treatment approach used at Symbiosis. This approach is appropriate for children who have a significantly restricted diet. SOS approach works to increase the range of foods that a child will eat. This program includes significant parent involvement and education component to ensure home carryover.
What does the feeding therapy session look like?
Depending upon the specific needs of the child, feeding sessions is usually lead by our Senior Occupational Therapist. Feeding therapy is provided both individually and in group settings.
Every feeding session may begin with providing the child with organizing sensory input to prepare and regulate the body. This typically involves a structured activity in our state-of-the-art sensory gym space.
Therapist, child, and caregiver transition to one of our treatment spaces. We follow a structured routine including washing hands, blowing bubbles, wiping down, and setting the table. Each person present in the session is involved in this process.
The SOS Approach to Feeding emphasizes the importance of learning the routine and structure, to promote regulation and familiarity when exploring foods. A hierarchy of foods are then presented one at a time on every individual’s plate. The hierarchy is made up of foods that are preferred and non-preferred by the child, but present with physical and sensory similarities (e.g. similar in color, texture, size, shape, etc.).
Foods are explored through the sensory systems (e.g. sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste) and a play-based approach. The session is concluded when the child, therapist, and caregiver all participate in the cleanup.

Caregiver education is a valuable part of feeding therapy. Encouraging the caregiver to be present during the session can serve as a valuable tool for learning how to use the SOS Approach to Feeding at home with their child. Tips, strategies, and skills are provided during each session to support increasing the child’s food repertoire at home and school environments.
Our Occupational Therapists will always be happy to chat about how we can help your child.