How Can Speech and Language Pathologists (SLP) help with Behavior Therapy?

Speech-Language Pathologists (SLPs) and Behavior Therapy can work hand in hand and can be integral part of an Autism Therapy team. Children who struggle to learn speech and language may also be also at risk of reading and writing difficulties when they enter school. Early identification and intervention have been proven to be effective.

Just like Behavior Therapy, the sooner the Speech Therapy services are provided, allowing the best results and more remarkable long-term outcomes in children. Furthermore, one of the reasons that the children with Autism improve the most in Behavior Therapy is mostly those who also get services from their Speech-Language Pathologist regularly.

Collaboration between a Board-Certified Behavior Consultant/Behavior Consultant and a Speech and Language Pathologist.

The advantage of a multi-disciplinary team is that once your child’s Speech therapist determine a course of action for their therapy sessions, they usually meet with the rest of the  Behavior Therapy team to make sure they are all on the same page regarding the intervention goals for the child and the family. In a clinic-based setting, the collaboration is always possible to ensure that your child is making progress in every area, from Behavior Consultation/Intervention, Occupational therapy, Speech and Language therapy, and between all the professionals involved.

Some of the questions you may want to ask your BCBA or your Behavior Consultant, next time you meet with them are:

  •  Does your clinic-based or home-based Behavior Team have a Speech-Language Pathologist/s?
  • Will the recommendations by the Speech Therapist, integrated within the Behavior Plan of Intervention (BPI) for my child?
  • Will my child’s Speech therapist be allowed working cohesively with the Behavior Therapy professionals like Behavior Interventionist?
  • Will the Speech-Language pathologist work directly with my child?
  • What will a typical Speech therapy session look like?
  • How involved can I be in my child’s speech therapy?
  • What can I do to practice the strategies used by my child’s Speech therapist at home?
  • How often will my child see the Speech- Language Pathologist?

Speech and Language Pathologists are an integral part of any Multi-Disciplinary therapy clinic that caters to children diagnosed with Autism and play a vital role within the Behavior services too.

If you would like to learn more about our multi-disciplinary assessment service, do not hesitate to contact or call us at 778-395-8752.

Shalini Das

Director, Board Certified Behavior Analyst,Occupational Therapist

Shalini is one of the co-founders of Symbiosis Pediatric Therapy. She currently oversees the clinical and administrative departments of Symbiosis. Shalini has more than 25 years of experience working with children with autism and developmental disabilities.

Shalini completed her Master’s degree in Occupational Therapy specializing in Pediatric Neurology in 2000. She also has her Masters degree in Special Education with a focus on Applied Behavior Analysis from The Pennsylvania State University.Shalini is listed in the RASP list as a Behavior Consultant and an Occupational Therapist.

Shalini has extensive clinical experience with assessment and program development that is designed to treat challenging behaviors, build communication, and functional life skills. Some of the team-based intervention which she incorporates are the Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA), Early Start Denver Model (ESDM), SCERTS, DIR®/Floor time model, etc.

Shalini has trained & supervised several teams of therapists, parents, and other professionals on evidence-based behavioral strategies to improve the quality of life for the children. She also assists with the development and implementation of evidence-based treatment approaches, in addition to providing clinical guidance and mentorship to the Behavioral intervention team.

Shalini is certified to administer the Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (SIPT) from the University of Southern California and in Neuro-Developmental Therapy (NDT) from NDT Association, USA. She also enjoys working with children in Symbiosis embracing different therapy models while viewing the challenges faced by the children through the developmental framework.

Shalini is the mother of two children and understands the importance of considering the needs and wants of all members of the family when establishing therapy goals. She spends her spare time with her children and husband, reading, traveling, and cooking different recipes from around the world.