Symbiosis Pediatric Therapy is pleased to announce the opening of their new multi-disciplinary therapy clinic for children in Port Coquitlam. It is located at 2664 Kingsway Ave, Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 1T8. This new therapy clinic for children at Port Coquitlam aims to provide high-quality care.
We want to give our children and families the opportunity to know us better. By browsing through our About Us and Our Team sections, you’ll get a good idea of who we are, what we do, and will come to know all the exceptional professionals who will be working along with you at the clinic.

Symbiosis Pediatric Therapy – Port Coquitlam offers a range of specialised face-to-face as well as online Therapy services designed to empower children and their parents with the tools, they need to make positive changes in their lives. This therapy clinic for children at Port Coquitlam draws on best practices and uses evidence-based therapies. We deliver family-focused treatments for toddlers, teens, and everyone in-between the range.
We understand that navigating and finding the best therapies for children is very frustrating, but you’ve come to the right place. We’re proud to have supported thousands of families in the Lower Mainland to achieve positive outcomes in their child’s behavior as well as all the skills needed for their functioning and daily activities. Our therapy clinic for children at Port Coquitlam is dedicated to making a difference.

We bring together a team of experienced Behavior Consultants, Occupational Therapists, Speech-Pathologists, Therapy assistants, and Behavior Interventionists who provides comprehensive assessments and treatments for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, neurological, developmental, and other cognitive disabilities. Our team are clinically sound and has all the practical knowledge and understanding to achieve measurable outcomes in communication, social engagement, behavioral management, and school readiness for all our children.
Please contact us at 778-590-1771 or email us at for booking an appointment. Discover the therapy clinic for children at Port Coquitlam today.
We have very limited spaces available!